
Designing Cities for, and with, Women

Co-creation workshop

Thursday, 24 March 2022

08.00 - 09.45 GMT or 17.00 - 18.45 GMT
Microsoft Teams Online

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We are working to address the global lack of knowledge and awareness surrounding equality and safety of girls and women in cities, as well as the lack of guidance on how to solve this. One output of our work is to provide actionable guidance for city decision-makers and built environment professionals to improve the inclusivity, safety and equity of cities for girls and women around the world. 

About the workshops
A vital part of this work is to incorporate a broad and diverse range of perspectives and learn from others and those working in this field to further explore thoughts around these issues. Our research and workshops will inform a new publication: Designing Cities for, and with, Women. This research is funded by Arup and will be delivered in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the University of Liverpool.  

We are hosting two workshops on Thursday, 24 March 2022, please pick your preferred time. Also please select the breakout session you would like to participate in during the workshop:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Self-actualisation and enrichment
  • Safety and security
  • Justice and equity.


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